#2 will blow your mind
- When Islam first arose, much of what we think of today as Islamic ‘territory’ in Anatolia, the Levant, and North Africa was Christian until conquered by the heirs of Muhammad, such that speaking of one side’s incursions into the other’s territory requires you to ignore how that territory was seized in the first place. Rome is geographically closer to Tripoli than London, Madrid is closer to Casablanca than Berlin, and Athens is closer to Damascus than Paris. That entire region had previously been a part of the Roman and later Byzantine empires and was culturally a part of the West.
- All that said, it’s worth remembering that the Crusades arose in the late eleventh century only after four centuries of relentless Islamic efforts to conquer Europe, and the Christians of the Crusading era cannot be evaluated without that crucial context.
- Starting in the middle of the Seventh Century, when Islam was still mostly united under a single political entity, you begin to see Islamic incursions into Europe (including Constantinople, which was effectively one of the leading European cities at the time), and from there, the conquests and attempted conquests marched on. If you look on a map over this period, you see an almost continuous line of advance on Europe from all sides but the north—from Spain and France in the west to Italy in the center to Constantinople in the east to the frontiers of Georgia in the Caucasus, with the islands of the Mediterranean on the front lines.
- On the papal banner that Pope Urban II gave the Crusaders, they displayed the Jerusalem Cross as an emblem. Godfrey de Bouillon adopted it as his personal coat of arms. He was one of the leaders of the Crusades and became the first ruler of Jerusalem (he refused the title of “king”) after successfully driving out the Moslems during the First Crusade in 1099.
- The five crosses represent the five nations that fought in the Crusades: Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, and Italy.
- The Jerusalem Cross is a major symbol used in Christianity, representing Christ’s command to spread the gospel around the world, beginning in Jerusalem. The symbol is basically composed of 5 crosses: 1 large central cross with 4 smaller crosses in each quadrant. It is also often referred to as the Crusader’s Cross and less frequently as the Cantonese Cross.
- Other popular interpretations of the Jerusalem Cross: The central cross stands for Christ, and the four smaller crosses stand for the four evangelists, John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew.
- The large cross represents Christ as the strength at the center of Christianity, and the smaller crosses represent the four corners of the earth to which the faith spread.
- The crosses represent the wounds that Christ suffered when He was crucified: the central cross for the wound on His side, and the four smaller crosses for the wounds on His hands and feet.
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#6 will blow your mind